On March 4, 2022, Executive Order N-6-22 (EO) was issued regarding sanctions in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. The EO is located herewith. The EO directs all agencies and departments to comply. Therefore, this serves as notice under the EO that (as a contractor, grantee or vendor) compliance with the economic sanctions imposed in response to Russia's actions in Ukraine is required.
The Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District (NLMUSD) has a centralized purchasing system to obtain the best product, quality, price, and delivery.
The goal of the Purchasing Department is to accomplish this through a cooperative effort between buyer(s) and suppliers. The NLMUSD purchasing philosophy is to maintain professional relationships with all vendors, with no premiums, gifts, favors, or any form of personal consideration to District employees.
The Purchasing Department shall conduct all purchasing transactions for the District. However, under the law, the Board of Education has the sole responsibility for all purchases and contracts of the District. This responsibility cannot be delegated.
Vendors are required to conduct their business directly with the Purchasing Department between normal business hours, and appointments are required.
Purchases made in the name of the District without an authorized purchase order, shall be considered an obligation of the person making the purchase and not an obligation of the District. Contracts are valid only if signed by the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services or the Superintendent, and emergency purchases made by School Site Administration (with reimbursement to follow) must have prior approval from the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services.
Vendors should send any information regarding their product or services to making sure to include a letter of introduction, client references, and any company literature. Vendors may be contacted when the District has a need for the type of product or service the vendor offers. Bid lists are maintained only for those products and services the District regularly requires.
Purchasing staff generally buys materials, supplies and equipment for all District schools and departments. Purchasing also generates all public works contracts for construction as well as oversees CUPCCAA registration. The Nutrition Services Department independently purchases food and related services. The purchases of various supplies and services for student stores and/or student activities (which will be financed out of student body funds) are made independently by each school under the direction of its Student Activities Office.
Sales representatives shall not be permitted in schools or departments for the purpose of making sales. If it is necessary for NLMUSD sites to contact sales representatives regarding special or highly technical details of their products, schools or departments shall request such visits through the Purchasing Department.
To expedite payment, all invoices are directed to Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Accounts Payable, 12820 Pioneer Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650. All invoices must include the appropriate purchase order number.
Vendors are required to provide Material Safety Data Sheets (M.S.D.S.) from the manufacturer for all products that are hazardous as defined by Title 8, California Code of Regulations.
A purchase order is issued for every acquisition made. Techniques and procedures vary with size and type of purchase, but all purchasing procedures are designed to encourage open competition.
- To assure yourself that the purchase has been authorized and will be paid for, do not provide materials or services without first obtaining a purchase order.
- Formal/Informal Bids are provided to vendors on a current listing and legal notices for formal bids are published in the legal section of the Whittier Daily News once a week for two consecutive weeks. Presence at bid opening is not required although vendors/contractors are encouraged to attend.
- The purchase of goods and/or services shall be let to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. The evaluation of awards may be based upon price, specifications, past performance (of vendors and/or contractors), compatibility, quality, and where appropriate, delivery or completion time.
- After Bids have been reviewed and analyzed, a recommendation shall be made to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Bids will be available for review in the Purchasing Office after the awards have been made. The schedule of Board of Education Meetings can be found on the District’s website.
- A vendor may be relieved of a bid in certain cases where a mistake was made in filling out the bid. The vendor must give a detailed written notice of the mistake to the District within five days of the opening of the bid.
- Failure to respond to bid invitations or price requests will result in removal from the bid lists.
- Bidders are responsible for reading and understanding bid invitations, terms, conditions, and requests for quotations. Please be sure that you can comply with all requirements before bidding.
All materials shipped to the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District shall be directed to the District Warehouse at 12820 Pioneer Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650, unless otherwise specified on the purchase order. The purchase order number must appear on all packages and packing slips. Receiving hours are 7:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Monday through Thursday excluding holidays. The warehouse is closed to deliveries on all Fridays.
- Invoices must be in digital or duplicate format and completely itemized.
- DELIVERY CHARGES: Unless otherwise specified, orders are F.O.B. destination. If F.O.B. shipping point is specified on this order, prepay transportation charges, add to invoice, and submit original receipted express or freight bills showing no transportation tax.
- Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, title to and risk of loss and all items shipped bey seller to buyer shall pass to the buyer upon buyer's inspection and acceptance of such items at buyer's plant.
- TAXES: School district is not subject to federal taxes. Exemption certificate will be furnished upon request. It is however, subject to California Sales Tax.
- Payment for the material on this purchase order will be made after the order is delivered or completed to the satisfaction of the district. No Back Orders will be accepted.
- Cash discount will be computed from the date of acceptance of the completed order.
- By accepting this purchase order for books, the vendor certifies that the obligation imposed by Sections 60060 and 60062 of the California education code will be met.
- Delivery is declared to be an essential part of this contract. The delivery date shown on the face of this order shall be rigidly adhered to unless otherwise indicated by the seller prior to the due date. The district reserves the right to cancel this order, or any part thereof, for failure to deliver on the designated date after written notice has been given.
- The Vendor/Contractor agrees to and shall hold harmless and indemnify the District, its Governing Board, officers, agents, and employees from every claim or demand made and every liability, loss, damage, expense or cost of any nature whatsoever, which may be incurred:
- For death or bodily injury to person, injury to property, and any other loss, damage or expense sustained, arising from, in connection with or any way related to the services called for in this Agreement, except for liability for damages referred to above which result from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the District, its officers, employees, or agents.
The Vendor/Contractor, at Vendor/Contractor's expense, cost, and risk, shall defend any and all actions, suits, or other proceedings that may be brought or instituted against the District, its officers, agents, or employees on any such claim, demand, loss, damage, expense (including attorney fees), cost of liability and shall pay or satisfy any judgement that may be rendered against the District, its officers, agents, or employees in any action, suit, or other proceedings as a result thereof.