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Health Benefits Information

In Norwalk-La Mirada, we believe that good health is the foundation of a functional life for you and your loved ones. Our health benefits are designed to support your family's well-being, offering access to quality care.

HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices


CalPERS Summary of Health Benefits

CalPERS is the largest purchaser of public employee health benefits in California, and the second largest public purchaser in the nation after the federal government. Our program provides benefits for 1.5 million public  employees, retirees, and their families. Depending on where you reside or work, CalPERS offers active employees and retirees one or more types of health plans, which  may include:

• Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
• Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
• Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO)  (for members in certain California counties)

The CalPERS Board of Administration annually determines health plan availability, covered benefits, health premiums, and copayments. Whether you are working or retired, your employer or former employer makes monthly contributions toward your health premiums. The amount of this contribution varies. Your cost may depend on your employer or former employer’s contribution to your premium, the length of your employment, and the health plan you choose. For monthly contribution amounts, active employees should contact their employer, State retirees should contact CalPERS, and contracting agency retirees should contact their former employer. 

2024 CalPERS Summary of Benefits Booklet