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Technology Services

Technology at NLMUSD is an essential resource to provide timely, accurate, and secure information to students, staff, and parents. It is also a tool to optimize staff productivity and communication, and provide efficient and effective instructional and administrative support services. In the classroom, NLMUSD will provide appropriate information, resources and training to empower teachers and students to use technology to improve the teaching/learning process so that all students can reach their full potential. Technology will include all electronic devices that store, compute, communicate and/or present information, such as computers, telephones, media, and reprographics.

The mission of NLMUSD’s Technology Master Plan is to insure the effective use of technology for instructional, administrative, and business functions that are required to facilitate the delivery of high quality educational programs in a cost effective manner. The effective planning, implementation, and management of technological resources will:

  • Enhance and reinforce knowledge for all students;
  • Increase opportunities for students to build the necessary skills to gain new educational, social and economic opportunities and to connect to a global audience;
  • Provide instructional and fiscal accountability to parents, the community, and other local, state, and federal regulatory agencies;
  • Provide for the assessment and prioritization of new technologies based on pre-established criteria;
  • Provide a comprehensive training and support program for students, teachers, and other staff.

Internal Sharepoint for Staff Resources: 

Staff Resources

Having a tech problem? Submit a work order here: 

Technology Help Desk