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Student Internship 2024

Welcome to Our Student Internship Page!

We are proud to announce the return of our summer student internship! The students were given the freedom to design a website for the NLMUSD page or their school's page. The students also received the opportunity to help with behind-the-scenes iPad preparation for the middle schools. This internship program is designed to provide high school students with valuable hands-on experience, creating a distinction between academic knowledge and real-world application. The return of this program marks a positive step forward for NLMUSD, reaffirming its dedication to providing high-quality educational opportunities beyond the classroom.

"I learned to formulate and build websites and setup ipads, I had fun collaborating and working together as a group to complete our goals, exhilarating!"

- Dylan,  Norwalk High School 

Within this Internship, I cultivated a profound comprehension of the realm of Website Development. I was pleasantly surprised by the significant creative freedom granted while creating a professional page for NLMUSD. Our boss, Mr. Hargraves taught us the skills to easily navigate Finalsite, as well as using elements to create web pages. This opportunity is one of a kind and something I would apply for in an instant; a brilliant program.

- Omar,  Norwalk High School 

"It was fun to create a page from scratch that would belong on a district or school site. It felt relieving to know that you don't have to have much experience to still enjoy the program. I would highly recommend this internship as you learn new skills and create new bonds. "

- Perla,  John Glenn High School 

"I learned the ins and outs of creating a website and how technology is set up for our schools. I met many people and shared many laughs. I enjoyed creating the websites and having my work actually posted for many to see. I highly recommend this internship, even to non tech savvy people. "

- Victoria,  John Glenn  High School


I learned more about managing and creating websites and I enjoyed working with my group to build a website resource, such as a school map, for others to use. The internship program is fun for anyone even if they have minimal computer science experience.

-Isabella, Norwalk High School 

I learned to build websites and use the skills I have learned and apply them in the real world. I loved working with my group on our website projects and being able to work with iPads in the back with IT. I would 100 percent recommend someone to join as it is fun and a great way to introduce yourself into the work environment.

- Javier, Norwalk High School 

I learned how our district sets up the devices that our schools use everyday. I  enjoyed making a page on the district website as it provided a fun experience collaborating with my group. I recommend joining this internship over the summer because you are given free reign to create your  page however you see fit.

- Benjamin,  Norwalk High School 

"You learn skills like group coordination and drafting layouts for websites,  easy to learn and use even without experience in coding, highly recommended for people interested in learning website design."

- Steven,  Norwalk High School