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Bus Safety Information

Section 39831.5 of the California Education Code reads as follows:

Upon registration, the parents or guardians of all pupils not previously transported in a school bus or school pupil activity bus and who are prekindergarten, and grades 1 to 6, inclusive, shall be provided with written information on school bus safety. The following information shall include, but not limited to, all of the following:

a) A list of school bus stops near each pupil's home.
b) General rules of conduct at school bus loading zones.
c) Red light crossing instructions.
d) School bus danger zones.
e) Walking to and from bus stops.

General Rules of Conduct at School Bus Loading Zones

  1. Arrive a few minutes early.
  2. Line up when you see the bus coming.
  3. Stand back from the bus at least 12 feet.
  4. Don't push or shove.
  5. Respect other people's property and belongings.
  6. Do not stand on other people's yards or play with their flowers or shrubs.
  7. Do not throw things into the street, at passing cars, at other students waiting for the bus or at other people's home.

Red Light Cross Instruction

  1. Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus and only when you see the red light and stop sign are working.
  2. Always follow the bus driver's instructions.
  3. Never cross behind the bus.

Walking To and From School Bus Stops

  1. Never run to or from bus stop.
  2. Leave home plenty of time to get to the bus stop.
  3. Stay out of the street.
  4. Use sidewalks and crosswalks.
  5. Do not play in other people's yards or destroy their property along the way.

Transportation of Property

1.   Animals: No animals except those specified in Civil Code Section 54.2 shall be transported in a school bus.

School Bus & Bus Stop Safety

School Bus Incident Report