California Healthy Youth Act
Norwalk - La Mirada Unified School District’s Comprehensive Sexual Education Program (CSEP) is based on education and prevention strategies that are researched-based and aim to increase the health, academic success, and overall well-being of our students. The Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Program is implemented in high school (9th grade science course). All curricula follows CA Education Code requirements, including new topics required by the California Healthy Youth Act that went into effect in 2016.
Sexual health education aims to prevent teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease as well as assist students with developing interpersonal skills, responsible behavior, and goal setting. The curriculum emphasizes decision-making and refusal skills, identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships, and communicating with trusted adults about sexual health. The program also provides schools and students with information regarding safe and legal access to sexual health services, supports for LGBTQ-inclusive environments, and additional interventions for schools with higher percentages of students at risk for HIV/STDs and unplanned pregnancies.
As a guardian, you have the option to preview the Teen Talk curriculum at the district office or at your student's school site. Please call or email to schedule a time to review the curriculum.
District Contacts
Chris Moton
Director, Student and Family Services
(562) 210-2232
Blessy Giron
Mental Health Services Specialist
(562) 210-2326
Curriculum & Training
Dr. Marco Sanchez
Director, Secondary Education,
Research, & Evaluation
(562) 210-2040
Shay Fairchild
K-12 Science TOSA
(562) 210-2153