Research Requests
Thank you for your interest in conducting research at Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District!
NLMUSD’s Department of Assessment and Accountability requires that our Research Review Committee review all research (including surveys) involving students, parents, or district personnel. The role of this committee is to ensure that all proposed research comply with the ethical codes of research in addition to state and federal laws.
NLMUSD’s Department of Assessment and Accountability conducts and supports research that contributes to a greater understanding of highly effective teachers, instructional strategies, and resources and conditions that promote academic achievement for all children. Please understand that our ability to support external research projects, including the staff time allocated to review and comment on proposals, is limited. Only proposals that have a clear, direct, and immediate benefit to the district in terms of informing practice will be considered for approval. We are also limited in our ability to provide access to student data.
An approval from the Research Review Committee serves only as an authorization to contact the principal(s) of the school(s) of interest. Researchers will need to secure an approval from the principal(s) before any research work is permitted.
The guidelines included in the application are to support research by internal and external researchers while respecting the time and privacy of students and staff.
The average start-to-finish processing time for research requests ranges up to 45 business days. The processing time depends on several factors such as: (a) staff availability, (b) whether or not extant data is also being requested, and (c) whether or not additional departments need to be contacted for approval. Be sure to allow sufficient time for your application to be reviewed before the proposed start date of your research study.
Please note, applications will not be reviewed during the following time periods:
- First 30 days of school
- December 1 – December 31
- Last 30 days of school
Applicants should direct all questions regarding research requests to NLMUSD’s Educational Services Department at
Step-by-Step Process
**Please follow the application directions below very carefully. If you do not adhere to the submission requirements, the review of your application will be delayed and/or your application may be denied without further review.