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Community Advisory Committee

What is CAC?

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is made up of members representing the community. Members include parents, special and general education teachers, service providers, students with disabilities, and various community representatives. The purpose of the CAC is to serve in an advisory capacity to the administration and policy-making body of the SELPA regarding the development of the comprehensive Local Plan for Special Education, review of the programs under such plan, and to represent the interests of students, parents, and teachers within the SELPA. (30 EC 56190)

The Community Advisory Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

  • Advise the policy and administrative entity of the SELPA regarding the development, amendment, and review of the local plan.
  • Recommend annual priorities to be addressed by the Plan.
  • Assist in parent education and member recruitment. 
  • Support activities on behalf of students with exceptional needs.

Assist in parent awareness of the importance of regular school attendance.