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After School Education and Safety Program (ASES)

Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District's ASES Expanded Learning Program is an out-of-school time program offered free of charge through a grant administered by the California Department of Education. The program offers academic support, academic enrichment, college and career readiness, and recreational opportunities for students grade levels TK-8th, provided enrollment openings are available. To get the full benefit of the program, students enrolled in ASES should attend daily. Students who do not attend regularly (85 percent of the time) for the entire program hours may be moved to the waitlist to allow other students the opportunity to participate. 

The program hours operate from school dismissal until 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.  ASES will not be in session on non-school days such as holidays, winter, and spring break. ASES will provide services on early release days immediately after school ends. In addition, the program will be closed three days during the school year for professional development.  These dates are provided to families at the start of the school year.

ASES Program activities are designed to support student academic, social and emotional growth. ASES focuses on activities that help students meet state learning standards in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies, and build critical thinking skills and positive character traits. To honor youth voice, activities are designed to be innovative, hands-on and relevant. They are built on learning goals that are shared with youth. The program strives to create strong, transparent connections to college and career exploration and readiness. It also includes sessions that promote health and wellness and support a student’s success in school. 

ASES Additional Information