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Expanded Learning Opportunity Program

Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District is excited to introduce yet another opportunity for our students to enrich their learning beyond the regular school day and school calendar! Through ELOP programming, qualifying students will be offered expanded learning through after school, summer, or intersession learning programs. These programs focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. Programs supported through ELOP are pupil-centered, results driven, and include a wide array of community partners that enrich the regular school day learning our students receive. It is the intent of ELOP to engage students in enrichment, play, nutrition, and other developmentally appropriate activities.

Together with ASES and SACC, ELOP will prioritize serving eligible TK-6th grade students at all of NLMUSD's elementary and middle school sites, throughout the school year and during summer. Participating students can expect to enjoy homework assistance, academically and creatively enriching activities, social-emotional well-being and support, leadership and character building activities, nutritious snacks, hands-on Project Based Learning experiences, health-building outdoor play and sports activities, and a whole lot of fun!  All ELOP programming is free of charge to all eligible students.

Who is eligible to receive ELOP services?

The NLMUSD has identified students who meet the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) criteria. UPC students enrolled in the NLMUSD, who qualify for any of the following district programs, are eligible to receive ELOP supported expanded learning programming, free of charge:

  • McKinney-Vento
  • Foster Youth
  • English Learner
  • Students who qualify for the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program (FRPM)

Eligibility for all ELOP services are reviewed annually.

What is the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)?

“Expanded learning” intends to provide instructional enrichment before and/or after school, during breaks or intersession, summer, or on Saturdays. These learning programs will focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of students through hands-on, engaging learning experiences.

California Education Code Section EC 8482.1 (a)

“Expanded learning opportunities” does not mean an extension of instructional time, but rather,
opportunities to engage pupils in enrichment, play, nutrition, and other developmentally appropriate activities.

California Education Code Section EC 46120 (g)(1)

What grade levels are supported through ELOP?

This program is intended to support qualified TK-6th grade students with free expanded learning programs for a minimum of 9 hours of service each day (total hours include the full instructional school day hours, plus daily time offered before and/or after school for expanded learning).  To qualify for ELOP, the student must be part of our Unduplicated Pupil Count, which includes students eligible to receive the following services: Free and Reduced Meal Program; Foster Youth; McKinney-Vento; or English Learners. 

Parents or Guardians of students currently enrolled in ASES or SACC, and qualify under the ELOP criteria, will receive an invitation to enroll their students for any ELOP expanded learning programming outside of their regular ASES or SACC program hours. This ELOP programming will include any ELOP Camp Days, Hub Days, Saturday events and intersession days that become available.  All ELOP expanded learning activities have limited space availability and may be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

What is the cost for the program?

ELOP is free of cost for TK-6th grade students who qualify under the Unduplicated Pupil Count and enrolled in any of the district programs below:

  • McKinney-Vento
  • Foster Youth
  • English Learner
  • Students who qualify for the Free and Reduced-Price Meal program (FRPM)

Eligibility for all ELOP services are reviewed annually.